Published December 10, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Virtual VRU protection of Mobile Cooperative safety function in SAFE STRIP

  • 1. CERTH/HIT
  • 2. CERTH/ITI


An example dataset containing log files of Use Case ES1.1 "Virtual Vulnerable Road User (VRU) protection of Mobile Cooperative safety function". The log files contain information about the messages exchanged during the specific use case trial, between the different entities of SAFE STRIP. These messages are logged on the MQTT broker and on the HMI device used. The dataset also contains a file created post processing with details about the sequence of events over time for this particular example. In this way, the timing sequence of messages is displayed together with a brief description of the actual event that triggered the message creation.


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SAFE STRIP – Safe and green Sensor Technologies for self-explaining and forgiving Road Interactive aPplications 723211
European Commission