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Published September 30, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Farmer's Profitability of Banana Cultivation at Narsingdi District

  • 1. Lecturer, Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology(ADUST), Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 2. Research Scholar, Dhaka, Bangladesh


The present study was designed to measure production profitability of banana in selected area of Narsingdi
district. Primary data were collected from the banana growing area of Shibpur and Manohordi under Narsingdi district.
Thirty farmers were selected through convenience sampling procedure. Simple descriptive methods were used to analyze
the data. Among many cultivars Champa (Apple Banana) had been selected for this research work. The major findings of
the study revealed that banana production was profitable. Demographic characteristics of banana farmers were
categorized into age, education, farming experience, farm size and family size. In this study, it was found that young and
illiterate farmers were mostly engaged in banana cultivation. Farming experience of Banana farmers ranged from 2 to
above 20 years. Farm gate price of banana received by farmers per bunch was Tk. 450 and purchase price per bunch of
banana paid by retailers was Tk. 680. Average sales price per bunch of banana as received by retailer was Tk. 720. It was
seen that gross return per bunch of banana was Tk. 450. Variable cost per Chari of banana was Tk. 62.35. Total cost per
Chari of banana cultivation (with marketing) was Tk. 115.29. Gross margin was obtained by deducting total variable cost
from gross return. Gross margin per Chari of banana was Tk. 387.65. Net return was estimated by subtracting total cost
from gross return. Net return per Chari of banana was Tk. 334.65. The undiscounted benefit cost ratio (BCR) was found
3.90. In our study areas farmers faced many problems in the production of banana. The major problems faced by them
included lack of availability of adequate input, higher input cost; lack of subsidy, inadequate capital, Lack of quality sucker
was a major problem for banana cultivation. The Government should provide credit facilities through Bangladesh Krishi
Bank (BKB) and other commercial banks. Adequate amount of inputs including HYV suckers should be supplied by the
government at subsidized prices in the Banana producing areas. Transportation facilities should be improved in the study
areas. Low cost storage facilities should be developed at the primary and secondary markets by the local Government


ijmirr.2020 0109.02.pdf

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