Published December 4, 2020 | Version v1
Poster Open

Revisiting the IR line decrements of T Tauri stars with magnetospheric accretion models.

  • 1. Universidad de Los Andes (VE)


The magnetospheric accretion model has been successful in reproducing the flux lines from fluxes of emission lines such as Halpha in young (1 Myrs to 10 Myrs old) accreting stars with masses that range from the substellar limit to the Herbig Ae/Be stars. In this model, the emission lines arise in hot (T ~ 10000K) flows joining the disk and the star. However, Bary et al 2008 conducted a variability survey in the Taurus-Auriga star formation region, in which the flux of hydrogen Paschen and Bracket lines were measured in multiple epochs, finding that the Paschen and Bracket decrements could be explained with low temperatures (below 5000K) recombination models. In this contribution, we attempt to reproduce the Bary et al. decrement for Paschen and Brackett emission lines for 15 stars in their sample using instead of the magnetospheric accretion model. We find that the decrements can be explained using temperatures from 8000K to 11000K consistent with the temperatures required to model the H Balmer lines.



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