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Published December 4, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

IoT based Safe Distance Protection Badge

  • 1. Student, IT Department, Shah & Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
  • 2. Assistant Professor, IT Department, Shah & Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.


A crucial safe distance (CSD) model in V2V(vehicle-to-vehicle) communication systems was projected to primarily enhance driving safety by scattering warning notifications to vehicles after they approach calculated CSD. By intricately analyzing the conveyance movement options particularly once braking, our CSD definition was introduced and its configuration methodology was given through dividing radio vary into totally different communication zones. Supported our definition, the required message propagation delay was conjointly derived that can be wont to management the beacon frequency or period. Next, the elaborate CSD expressions were projected in numerous quality situations by absolutely considering the relative movement standing between the front and rear vehicles. Numerical results show that our projected model may give affordable CSD below totally different movement situations that eliminates the superfluous reserved inter-vehicle distance and guarantee the security at a similar time. The compared time-headway model invariably shows a smaller CSD thanks to specializing in traffic potency whereas the normal braking model usually outputs a bigger CSD as a result of it assumes that the subsequent automotive drives with a continuing speed and failed to discuss the situation once the leading automotive suddenly stops. totally different from these 2 models, our projected model may well balances the wants between driving safety and traffic outturn potency by generating a CSD in between the values of the 2 models in most cases.


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