Published February 1, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Allocation of distributed generation and capacitor banks in distribution system

  • 1. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)


Voltage profile and power losses on the distribution system is a function of real and imaginary power loading condition. This can be effectively managed through the controlled real and reactive power flow by optimal placement of capacitor banks (CB) and distributed generators (DG). This paper presents Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization (APSO) to efficiently tackle the problem of simultaneous allocation of DG and CB in radial distribution system to revamp voltage magnitude and reduce power losses. The modification to the conventional Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) was achieved by replacing the inertial weight equation (W) in the velocity update equation, based on the particle best experience in the previous iteration. The inertial weight equation is designed to vary with respect to the iteration value in the algorithm. The proposed method was investigated on IEEE 30-bus, 33-bus and 69-bus test distribution systems. The results show a significant improvement in the rate of convergence of APSO, improved voltage profile and loss reduction.


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