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Published December 1, 2020 | Version v1
Book chapter Open

Bilingual Education in Indonesia: A Call for Its Reimplementation in the National Context

  • 1. Universitas Negeri Malang
  • 2. ROR icon State University of Malang


This paper proposes new ways of reimplementing a form of bilingual education in Indonesia. Bilingual education was once implemented at international standard schools in Indonesia but failed for some reasons. The authors propose a more suitable form of bilingual education in Indonesia based on language acquisition theories which suggest that bilingual education should be developed on the basis of content-based instruction focusing on visual and physical ways of teaching. In this respect, physical education and arts should be prioritised over mathematics, ICT, and science subjects.


2020 Bilingual Education in Indonesia - Masduqi & Subiyanto 2020.pdf

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