Published November 30, 2020 | Version v2
Dataset Open

Upper-body movements: precise tracking of human motion using inertial sensors

  • 1. Associação Fraunhofer Portugal Research
  • 2. Laboratório de Instrumentação, Engenharia Biomédica e Física da Radiação (LIBPhys-UNL), Departamento de Física, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa


The Upper-body movements: precise tracking of human motion using inertial sensors is a dataset composed of 11 participants' IMU data (5 women + 6 men). This collection is divided into 6 motion sets containing different motions for the upper-body.

Folder Structure

subject -> set -> IMU position -> file

e.g. subject01 -> set6 -> forearm -> Accelerometer.txt

IMU placement 

For data collection participants wore 4 IMUs:

  • 1 on the chest
  • 1 on the right arm
  • 1 on the right forearm
  • 1 on the right hand.


Each set includes:

  •  set1 - flexion/extension of the forearm; abduction/adduction of the arm; anatomical position
  •  set2 - flexion/extension of the wrist; radial/ulnar deviation of the wrist; anatomical position
  •  set3 - flexion/extension and lateral flexion of the torso; anatomical position
  •  set4 - flexion/extension of the arm; flexion/extension of the torso; anatomical position
  •  set5 - flexion/extension of the arm; anatomical position; anatomical position
  •  set6 - flexion/extension of the torso; flexion/extension of the arm; anatomical position


This dataset is accompanied by the annotations.csv file.
Each file row present "Set,Subject,Category,Segment,Type,Init,End":

  • Set - sets 1-6
  • Subject - participant ID
  • Category - relative or absolute. Refers to the joint angle.
  • Absolute if the angle is obtained considering an anatomical plane as reference.
  • Relative if the angle is obtained from one segment in relation to another.
  • Type - segment at action (torso; right_arm_forearm; wrist; right_arm_sagittal)
  • Init/End - time in seconds, describing the begin and end of the motion, respectively.



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