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Published November 27, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Open

MR3D - The MMT dataset

  • 1. Petrobras
  • 2. Petrobras,UERJ


Marlim R3D (MR3D) is an open-source realistic geoelectric model for CSEM simulations of the post-salt turbiditic reservoirs at the Brazilian offshore margin.

Here we make available the complete marine magnetotelluric (MMT) dataset. This dataset includes the full MT and Tipper tensor for 500 receivers located on the irregular seafloor of the MR3D model. The MMT data were simulated at 25 frequencies in the range of 1-10,000s. MMT data is provided in the EDI file format.

We also make available the regional structural horizons in the XYZ ASCII format and the MMT mesh in the GSLIB format:

Files Description : 

- data report: plots of the MT parameter of all 500 sites.

- Depth horizons: *.xyz extension (Topography-Bathymetry, Top and Base of the Salt, Top of basement and Top of Moho).

- MMT data: EDI format.

- MMT-Mesh-MR3D : GSLIB format

PETREL: Properties


i_index unit1 scale1

j_index unit1 scale1

k_index unit1 scale1

x_coord unit1 scale1

y_coord unit1 scale1

z_coord unit1 scale1

resh unit1 scale1

resv unit1 scale1

1 1 242 530152.20026856 7374934.79973144 -193305.92968750 200.000000 200.000000 

2 1 242 530152.20026856 7412271.14266531 -193305.92968750 200.000000 200.000000 


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