Die Weltalter, ensayos de un sistema del tiempo
The ages of the world contain, in their achievements and/or failures, the transfer from necessity to freedom in which freedom revolves is disrupted, and the system previously concentrated on it, is directed towards time. This turn leads us to consider The Ages of the World as the work in which the attempt to expose a system of freedom derives, and in any case we will have to try to understand in this work the reasons for this derivation, in the need to expose a system of time.
Time no longer allows itself to be treated as an a priori intuition of sensibility, but rather, as inherent to the totality of the subject, in its subjectivity and objectivity, that is, as absolute, it appears as an a priori of necessity, or rather as an a priori hypernecessity (Übernotwendig) of the pair necessity and freedom.
In The Ages of the World "time" is thought of from its link with the eternal, that is, from the permanent flow of the eternal in time. "Time", in the absolute sense assigned to it, is linked to the need for revelation (Offenbarung) of the eternal, or operates, so to speak, as an a priori condition of revelation. The passage from the eternal to time is inherent, that is, internally determined, in the concept of revelation.
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