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Published July 3, 2018 | Version 2.0
Journal article Open

Editorial: Christian Leadership

  • 1. Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth


The nine articles of this issue of Jnanadeepa focus on Christian
leadership. The various dimensions of a Christian leader would
necessarily be different from those trained with purely secular
understandings. Some dimensions include acts of stewardship
(leadership) servant leadership roles, the importance of values or
character strengths, kingdom-oriented action and discipleship.
These dimensions of a Christian leader arise at points of interaction
between faith and secularism. Leaders have different personalities
and styles of functioning and therefore operationalize their decisions
in different ways. They develop their organizations or institutions
according to their perspectives. Therefore, for a Christian leader,
models and theories need to be developed that address leadership in
Christian ways to influence the functioning of all leaders in today’s
world. Christian leadership draws from secular leadership theories
and their interaction with understandings of leadership drawn
from scripture and theology.


jnanadeepa 22.2 july 2018 Xtn Leadership Editorial.pdf

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