Published June 15, 2016 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Musebots at One Year: A Review


A musebot is defined as a piece of software that autonomously creates music collaboratively with other musebots. The musebot project is concerned with putting together musebot ensembles, consisting of community-created musebots, and setting them up as ongoing autonomous musical installations. The specification was released early in 2015, and several developers have contributed musebots to ensembles that have been presented in the USA, Canada, and Italy. To date, there are over sixty publically available musebots. Furthermore, the author has used the musebot protocol in several personal MuMe projects, as they have provided a flexible method for generative systems in performance and installation. This paper will review the past year, and how musebots have been used in both their original community-oriented installations, as well as the author's works.



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