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Published September 30, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Some minerals of nutritional and therapeutical importance from the leaves and stems of Piper guineense Schum. & Thonn. (Piperaceae)

  • 1. Laboratory of Botany, Training and Research Unit (TRU) in Biosciences. University Félix Houphouët Boigny, Abidjan-Cocody, Côte d'Ivoire, 22 PO BOX 582 Abidjan 22.
  • 2. University of Man, Training and Research Unit (TRU) in Forest Agricultural and Environmental Ingineering (FAEI) , PO BOX 20 Man, Côte d'Ivoire.
  • 3. University Nangui Abrogoua, 02 PO BOX Abidjan 02, Côte d'Ivoire.


This work was carried out to highlight some minerals of nutritional and therapeutical importance in the leaves and the stems of Piper guineense (Piperaceae). After collection of fresh plant material, mineral analyses were performed according to standard methods using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Comparison of data exhibited significant differences (p<0.001) for calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc contents between the leaves and the stems. Respectively for both organs, calcium amounts were 838.98±0.001 mg / 100 g and 474.8±0.005 mg / 100 g. The amounts of iron were 1138.354±0.004 mg / 100 g and 1584.716±0.001 mg / 100 g. In the meantime, those of magnesium were 509.958±0.002 mg / 100 g and 666.827±0.004 mg / 100 g. Most of these minerals’ contents in the leaves and the stems were high and sufficient to cover daily intakes except for zinc. The amounts of zinc were respectively 2.979±0.002 mg / 100 g for the leaves and 0.364±0.003 mg / 100 g for the stems. These results suggested that the leaves and stems of P. guineense are rich in calcium, iron and magnesium. So, people should pay more attention to protect that plant species and save forests.



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