Published November 19, 2020 | Version V1.0
Presentation Open

EOSC in practice. From a research communities' perspective

  • 1. CESSDA
  • 2. DANS-KNAW
  • 3. SciencesPo
  • 4. UNOTT
  • 5. CNR
  • 6. University of Modena
  • 7. DARIAH
  • 8. Trust-IT


This session will aim to discuss the EOSC in practice, from a Research Communities’ perspective.Thematic and interdisciplinary research communities will join in this discussion on addressing the opportunities and challenges that they encounter when contributing to EOSC by implementing principles, procedures, tools and services developed. 

  • CoronaWhy - Slava Tykhonov (DANS-KNAW)
  • Ethnic and Migration studies - Ami Saji (ETHMIGSURVEYDATA, SciencesPo)
  • Election studies - Cees van der Eijk (University of Nottingham)
  • Heritage Science - Emiliano Degl'Innocenti (E-RIHS, CNR)
  • Religious studies - Alberto Melloni (UNESCO chair in the field of Religious Studies, RESILIENCE coordinator)
  • Digital Humanities shaping interdisciplinary practices in Europe - Jennifer Edmond (SHAPE-ID, DH@TCD)

This session will aim to discuss the added value of EOSC for research practices. As well as practical obstacles that may hamper user communities to make optimal use of EOSC, both as end-users and as contributors of materials. The research communities involved in this session will aim to define recommendations from the user communities point of view. 

Recordings of the session can be seen here:




Files (5.6 MB)

Additional details


European Commission
E-RIHS PP – The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Preparatory Phase 739503
European Commission
SSHOC – Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud 823782
European Commission
SHAPE-ID – Shaping Interdisciplinary Practices in Europe 822705