Published November 18, 2020 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

Bivaltyp. Typological database of bivalent verbs and their encoding frames

  • 1. Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences


This archive contains the dataset used for Bivaltyp: Typological database of bivalent verbs and their encoding frames.

For the explanation of the tags used in the spreadsheets, see, especially 1) for the presentation of data on individual sentences, patterns and verbs, and 2) the description at for the information on languages, including some cumulative parameters of their valency class systems.

predicates.csv is a spreadsheet with the verbs and their argument frames used as the questionnaire for this study.

languages.csv contains the basic info on the 85 languages of the sample (glottode, genealogical information, contributors, etc.)

valency_patterns_main.csv contains the data gathered in the project (valency patterns associated with specific verbs in individual languages, translations of the stimulus sentences (where available), etc.).

language_stats.csv is a spreadsheet with the cumulative properties of languages based on data collected in the project (the ratio of transitive verbs, entropy, etc.)

unnormalised_data.xlsx contains the data on valency patterns gathered in the project; it is similar to valency_patterns_main.csv, but the rows redundantly display explicit information on language names, predicate labels, etc.


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