Published November 16, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Protologisms as Language Material in the Academic Discipline "Russian Language and Speech Culture"

  • 1. Nizhnevartovsk State University


Russian vocabulary is the most changeable language level. New vocabulary is a reflection of modern political, cultural and social changes and it may be interesting for different fields of linguistic science and, in our opinion, can be an extraordinary material for studying lexical norms and stylistic features of Russian language. Using new author's vocabulary (protologisms) as language material can be aimed at testing both students' theoretical knowledge of the Russian language and their ability to apply this knowledge in determining the lexical meaning of a word, the relationship of word formation methods with the meaning of a new word, its expressive function, morphological meaning, and the possibility of combining it with other words for inclusion in the structure of an utterance, depending on the sphere of communication. The purpose of this article is to describe ways to include a special category of words in the content of the discipline “Russian language and culture of speech”: the author's vocabulary (protologisms). We assume this language material can be used to systematize students' knowledge of the lexical norms of the modern Russian language and the stylistic features of these words. The object of study in this article are protologism as lexical units, which is a kind of new vocabulary of modern Russian language; the subject of research – the possibility of their use as a language material for teaching lexical and stylistic peculiarities of the Russian language.



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