Published October 31, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Development of methods for assessing the economic effect of using a complex impulse technologies and equipment for aggregate assembly structure of the aircraft

  • 1. National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»


The object of the study is the economic effect of using a set of pulse technologies and equipment for unit assembly of aircraft structures with fixed mechanical connections. One of the main selected factors that ensure the economic effect is to improve the quality, static strength and durability of the structure, reducing the weight of the aircraft structure.

The analysis of modern methods and approaches of definition of economic indicators of new technics and technologies products introduction at the enterprise which help to predict the general economic effect is carried out. The comparative efficiency of the introduced technology is used in relation to the basic one, which is used at the enterprises of the branch. The components of the economic effect from the application of a pulse technologies and equipment set are determined and the approach to the economic effect calculations from the creation and improvement of pneumatic manual pulse device (PMPD) in computer-aided design (CAD) systems is formed.

In the course of the research methods for estimating the economic effect at introduction of new constructive and technological decisions of aircraft design and at application of a pulse technologies and equipment set, and also at application of PMPD CAD are offered. In comparison with similar known methods, the proposed approaches can minimize the time spent on calculations and increase the accuracy of their intended purpose. It provides an opportunity to demonstrate qualitatively the feasibility of using a pulse technologies and equipment set for unit assembly of aircraft structures with non-removable mechanical connections.

Here are some ways to evaluate the effectiveness of using a decision support system (DSS). DSS contains methods, models and algorithms for decision-making, software, databases and knowledge of the subject area and recommendations for the practical use of the results of the source information analysis. The factors influencing the economic result of the use of DSS in production are shown in the form of a scheme, where for the economic life of the investment in the creation of DSS 6 years commonly-accepted for CAD were selected.


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