The concept for an implementation of state policy in the field of labeling and regulation of essential environmental properties of wheeled vehicles
The object of research is the field of labeling and regulation of environmental properties of road vehicles. The research method is based on a conceptual basis for the structure of environmental labeling data of road vehicles required to ensure ecological marketing and access control to infrastructure. Several principles of effective state policy in the field of labeling and regulation of essential environmental properties of wheeled vehicles are proposed to ensure:
– reduction of emissions of toxic substances by road transport in operation and improvement of air quality in cities;
– decrease in other manifestations of man-caused pressure of road transport on the environment and people;
– in general, improving the living conditions of people in cities;
– reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by transport.
Terms and definitions are formulated in the part:
– current level of ecological danger of ingredient pollution, indicators of energy-efficiency and ecological marking, essential environmental properties of a wheeled vehicle in operation, and at other stages of the life cycle;
– definitions of an environmentally friendly and energy-efficient wheeled vehicle; ecological zones of regulated use of road and other infrastructure;
– single national database of the life cycle of wheeled vehicles.
The principles of state regulation in the field of essential ecological properties and ecologically favourable use of wheeled vehicles are offered, covering:
– establishment of progressive ecological requirements;
– identification and labeling of fundamental environmental properties of wheeled vehicles and bringing them to consumers;
– introduction of a progressive taxation system and the «polluter pays» principle, targeted use of resources;
– differentiation of access to the transportation market;
– introduction of advanced technologies and measures for periodic and selective control of serviceability, stimulation of economic and rational use of fuel and energy resources.
The vital conceptual provisions of the system of labeling of essential environmental properties and introduction of ecological zones of regulated use of road and other infrastructure are defined.
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