- 1. Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Jember
The career ladder is one way to improve the performance and professionalism of nurses, in accordance with the field of work and can be used through increased competence that results in professional performance. The objective of the study was to identify the nurse’s perceptions of the implementation of the career ladder in General Hospital Jember. The research design of the study was descriptive and involved 113 clinical nurses. A total sampling technique was used in this study. Data collection was conducted by using the questionnaires of nurse’s perception of the implementation of the career ladder. The result showed that more than half of the clinical nurses had a good perception of the implementation of the career ladder of 54,9 % or 62 persons. Each indicators career ladder had a good perception, career development of 54 % or 61 persons, appreciation of 73,5 % or 83 persons, recognition of 58,4 % or 66 persons, promotion of 59,3 % or 67 persons and challenge of 61,1 % or 69 persons. Although the career ladder is in good perception, several indicators need to be improved that is information management system, education fund budget planning, standardization of clinical competence and authority, review of clinical nurses career ladder promotion system. Important for the Hospital to provide support, more attention, and analyzed factors that can influence nurse’s satisfaction with the implementation of the nurse’s career ladder program to increase the performance and professionalism.
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