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Published May 30, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A review on waste absorption efficiency of different extractive integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) species: Implications in coastal and offshore aquaculture waste management

  • 1. Aquaculture Department, College of Fisheries, Mindanao State University - Tawi-Tawi College of Technology and Oceanography, Sanga-Sanga, Bongao 7500, Tawi-Tawi, Philippines.


The integrated multi-trophic aquaculture also known as the “IMTA” system is one of a sustainable and eco-friendly approach among aquaculture activities. This aquaculture practice does not compromise the well-being of the natural ecosystem because of the synergistic functions of different extractive species where both inorganic and organic waste have been regulated into an optimum level. The recycling of waste within the system is the most vital strategy to alleviate the impact on the neighboring natural habitats. However, the selection and good combination of the extractive species should be considered for an efficient and effective IMTA system. Thus, this review paper investigated several extractive species used in the IMTA system. Overall studies suggest that viable extractive species of mussel, sea cucumber, sea urchins, and macroalgae carried out different strategies in converting waste from aquaculture fed-species. However, among suspension extractive species, sea cucumber showed exemplary performance in the reduction of feces of the cultured fed-species. Thus, a combination of sea-cucumber, macroalgae and finfish is highly recommended in the IMTA system.



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