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Published January 7, 2013 | Version 1.0
Journal article Open

God Within and Among Us: Towards an Emerging Spirituality of Social Work

  • 1. Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth, Pune 41104


What are some of the elements of a spirituality relevant for

today, especially in the context of social work? How can we

formulate a spiritualty relevant to the contemporary times? Can

there be spiritualties in dialogue with each other? What are some

of the orientations of contemporary spiritualties that can make

human life more authentic? These are some of the questions we

attempt to answer in this chapter.

In this quest I base myself on two broad categories of general

spirituality -  the Eastern and the Western, though I limit the Eastern

understanding primarily to the Hindu and Western primarily to

the Christian spiritualties. The aim of this chapter is to draw some

orientations from both these spiritualties which can inspire

contemporary search for authenticity.


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