Published October 30, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institutе»


The object of research: magnetite obtained by using the ferritic method for the purification of iron-containing solutions.

Problem to be solved: a comprehensive solution to the problem of using magnetite, obtained as a result of using the ferrite method for purifying iron-containing solutions, as a catalyst for the oxidation of carbon monoxide and its further utilization in the production of building materials.

The main scientific results: it has been shown that the magnetite precipitate formed during the processing of pickling solutions by the ferrite method can be used as a cheap, affordable and effective catalyst for the oxidation of carbon monoxide from flue gases of industrial enterprises, the disposal of which after long-term use does not create problems due to its stability and inertness.

Field of practical use of research results: the use of the ferrite method in the purification of pickling solutions of metallurgical enterprises provides not only an increase in the efficiency of water purification, but also leads to the introduction of waste-free technology. The decisive factor will be the use of magnetite as sludge of the use of ferrite technology to solve the problem of reducing flue gas emissions from the production of electrodes for the metallurgical industry, which include toxic carbon monoxide.

Innovative technology product: waste-free technology for the processing of pickling solutions by the ferrite method with the formation of a product with magnetic and catalytic properties, further processing of which consists in using red lead iron as a pigment in the production of building materials.

Scope of the innovative technology product: oxidation of carbon monoxide from industrial flue gases, followed by the use of red lead as a pigment.



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