Published October 30, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Problems of management in the system of spiral dynamics of supply chains

  • 1. National aviation university


The article is devoted to the identification of logistics management problems that arise during the implementation of the process management concept of the spiral dynamics of supply chains. SCM, as a real system of logistics integration and coordination of business processes of the chain provides for the development of interaction and cooperation of its economic entities in the joint use of their resources. The spiral in its development changes the targets: increasing time intervals of forecasting and planning for the long term, the logistical lag of the spiral of the supply chain increases due to the focus on managing global innovation changes in society and changes in technological patterns. This requires appropriate coherence and restructuring of the cognitive and intellectual state of the climate in all sectors of the economy and their human systems.

Analysis and generalization of modern research in the field of radical change management has allowed to determine the priority of detection and opportunities for preventive management of worldview changes, values and interests of individuals and their associations in human systems, organizations and society as a whole.

The article substantiates the need and expediency of constant updating of the spiral of social thinking, synthesis of knowledge, ideas and intuition of all participants in the supply chain as a unified socio-economic system with a single ultimate goal - to meet the growing needs of consumers. The generalized requirements to spiral management of supply chains are formed and its basic functions and directions of administrative activity are defined. The specific conditions for ensuring the dynamics of the spiral worldview with the help of a set of MEMs specifically focused on supply chain management are considered. The classification of supply chain integration models was proposed, focused on the possibilities and the need to change its targets, forms and methods of management, time scales of operation.



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  • Koulik V.А., Zamiar Zenon (2020) "Supply chain spiral dynamics". Intellectualization of logistics and Supply Chain Management. [Online], vol.1, pp.7-16, available at: (Accessed 30 Apr 2020). DOI: