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Published October 30, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Corporate culture reengineering strategy of a multinational logistics company

  • 1. National aviation university


The article substantiates the role of strategic re-engineering of corporate culture in increasing the level of competitiveness of a multinational logistics company and optimizing the efficiency of its activities. The main processes, principles and features of corporate culture transformation as one of the stages of re-engineering of the company's business processes are considered. The main concepts of corporate culture, management innovations, and re-engineering, which are effective tools for improving the efficiency of enterprise management, are defined. An algorithm for creating a corporate culture is proposed, including its positioning at the strategic level, as well as ensuring appropriate financial results. Corporate culture management is considered as an intangible asset that has value and creates conditions for generating income for the enterprise. In addition, it gives the company advantages by reducing conflicts, improving business relationships, reducing non-production time costs, and increasing the economic efficiency of the business. The factors influencing the level of employee involvement in work and transformation of employee behavior in accordance with the leader's strategic vision for company development and in accordance with his decisions on business re-engineering are identified. The main tasks of business process re-engineering are revealed, key directions and necessary tools for implementing the transformation of corporate culture are highlighted. The research methodology is based on methods of theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific literature and periodicals on the research topic, statistical analysis, classification and analytical method and methods for determining economic efficiency. The approach to scenario modeling of the process of managing the development of corporate culture of an enterprise based on a combination of components of culture, methods of managing it, basic values and strategies of enterprise management as a whole has been further developed, which allows taking into account the multidirectional interests of stakeholders and harmonizing them in the process of managing a multinational logistics company.



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