Published March 5, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Communicative-pragmatic and stylistic functions of particles in the works of Lesya Ukrainka

  • 1. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


In the article the complex analysis of communicative-pragmatic and semantic-stylistic features of functioning of phrasal particles is carried out. In Lesya Ukrainka artistic texts the particles in various expressive variants are widely represented. The main approaches to the study of the structure and functions of particles in modern linguistics – traditional (grammatical-semantic), functional-semantic, communicative, functional-pragmatic and textual-discursive – are characterized. In many works of foreign and Ukrainian linguists has been proved: particles, as communicative-discursive words, determine the structure of discourse. Qualification parameters and principles classification of particle in different grammar studies are defined. The influence of particles on the formation of communicative types of sentences for the purpose of expression or expressive coloring – narrative, interrogative, incentive, optative, exclamatory – has been established. The ability of the analyzed units to express affirmative and denied modality is determined. The role of particles in the actual division of sentences as the main means of expression a rheme or theme is established. The semantic-pragmatic potential and stylistic functions of particles in the poetic and dramatic works of Lesya Ukrainka are revealed. Particles most often perform indicatory, restrictive-allocative, clarifying, amplifying, evaluating functions. Particles express in expressions semantic-pragmatic functions: confidence, doubt, surprise, condemnation, reproach, comparison, agreement / disagreement, negative or positive assessment. The functional range of particles is determined by the location in the sentence structure – postposition or preposition in relation to words. At actual division of sentences the majority of the analyzed parts of a rheme allocate. Repetition of particles in one context is a sign of individual style of Lesya Ukrainka works. The concentration of different particles in one language fragment enhances the expressiveness, originality, melodiousness, emotionality, rhythmicity of poetic speech.



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