Published October 30, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Title: Local convergence of behavior across species

  • 1. University of Bristol & Kiel Institute for the World Economy
  • 2. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig
  • 3. University of Bonn & Technical University of Munich


This file summarizes how to replicate the results of the main manuscript and the supplementary material for the article "Local convergence of behavior across species". The main directory in the extracted zip file contains three folders: (i) data, which contains the final datasets used for the analysis, (ii) dofiles, which contains the Stata code (do files) to replicate the results, and (iii) results, which contains all results generated by the Stata code.

We provide the datasets in both the csv and Stata’s dta format. For an overview, we list all variable names and corresponding labels of both datasets in the readme.rtf.

The do file binford_replication generates all results that are based on the Binford dataset. The do file jorgensen_replication generates all results that are based on the Jorgensen dataset. Each do file uses the dataset with the same name. We have run the analysis using Stata version 16.1. Running the analysis requires the user-written Stata packages mhtreg, heatplot, and coefplot (all available from the SSC archive). You can easily install these packages by activating lines 7-9 of the code in the do file binford_replication.

The folder results contains two subfolders with separate results for Binford and Jorgensen populations. The file names reflect the Figure/Table number in the manuscript.



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