Published December 11, 2019 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Typology of Agro-Ecological Farming Systems and Practices in the EU and the Selection of Case Studies

  • 1. Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information
  • 2. The James Hutton Institute


The report outlines a typology that aims to deal with the complexity within the farming systems, which have modified their management and practices away from conventional towards agro-ecological farming. Transitions to agro-ecological farming can take place in a number of different ways that are more or less strongly based on agro-ecological principles and practices, and that are most suited to the particular spatial context and location. Therefore, for the UNISECO project the report proposes a three-dimensional system of typologies to define farm production systems (D1), AEF practices (D2) and socio-economic (SES) context (D3).

Case studies for assessing agro-ecological transitions are seletect to represent key EU farming systems, and provide a basis for learning about possible strategies to overcome barriers for transitions towards agro-ecological farming.The aims of the selection of case studies is to provide a basis for generating insights to factors that support successful transitions towards AEFS. To fulfil this aim, it was necessary to ensure coverage of EU farming systems that represent typical farm production types. At the same time, the cases represent a diversity of agro-ecological practices and stages of the transition from conventional to AEFS. The selection of case studies has been developed in consultation with national stakeholders in the partner countries. UNISECO has consulted with members of the EU Multi-Actor Platform (MAP) on the final case study selection and the proposed typology. The responses from the EU MAP consultation have been positive and constructive. The comments and suggestions have been taken on board in the ongoing development of the typology and the finalisation of the selection of case studies.


UNISECO D2.2 Typology of AEFS and Practices in the EU and the Selection of Case Studies_published.pdf

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UNISECO – Understanding and improving the sustainability of agro-ecological farming systems in the EU 773901
European Commission