Published November 16, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Dog visual perception of faces, objects and phase-scrambled images, measured with non-invasive electroencephalography

  • 1. University of Jyväskylä
  • 2. Aalto University School of Science
  • 3. University of Helsinki


This is the dataset used in the publication of Kujala MV, Kauppi J-P, Törnqvist H, Helle L, Vainio O, Kujala J, Parkkonen L (2020). Time-resolved classification of dog brain signals reveals early processing of faces, species and emotion. Scientific reports 10, 19846 (2020).

The dataset is electroencephalography data, measured non-invasively from the surface of the head from eight different dogs; and its supporting files. The data has been measured with 7-9 EEG electrodes; only the data from 7 EEG channels were used in the analysis. During the measurement, dogs were free to move; they were not restrained in any way. Instead, they were trained with positive operant conditioning to lie down and lean their head on a chin rest for short periods of time, during which they were shown still images from a computer screen. The stimuli were shown, in pseudo-randomized order, in eight different presentation scenarios, within 5 separate stimulus blocks per scenario, 15–20 stimuli per block. Between the stimulus blocks, dogs were always rewarded with a treat; this has caused major movement artifacts on the data between the stimulus blocks. Different presentation scenarios were shown in different days and repeated twice. Please refer to the above publication for further details of the experiment.

The trigger is the same across all the stimuli; thus, separate scenario stimulus identifier lists were used in determining the stimulus order; please refer to the README.txt file and PresentationScenarios.xlsx files for further details.

The dataset also contains anatomical magnetic resonance images of one dog, which was used in the aforementioned publication for source localization.

If you have further questions regarding the data or the acquisition, please do not hesitate to contact the authors of the original publication.


This project was financially supported by the BRAHE neuroscience consortium between Aalto University and the University of Helsinki, Emil Aaltonen foundation (project #160121 to MVK), Biocentrum Helsinki (to MVK and LH), and Academy of Finland (project #137931 to OV).



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The data is shared for scientific research purposes. We do not grant the access for the usage of the data for any commercial purposes. The original DOI for the dataset and the original research publication should be cited in all future usage of the data. The data is neither to be shared for third parties nor archived elsewhere.

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