Published October 17, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Molecular Genetic Analysis of ACTN3 and AMPD1 Judokas Genes of 'Vityaz' Perm Sambo and Judo Sports School

  • 1. Perm State University
  • 2. 'Vityaz' Perm Sambo and Judo Olympic Reserve Sports School,


The analysis of ACTN3 and AMPD1 genes polymorphisms associated with the development of speed-strength qualities for judo athletes was carried out. Overall, 71 judokas of the sambo and judo sports school “Vityaz” in Perm were tested. The heterozygous R/X genotype of the ACTN3 gene prevails with a frequency of 0.9 in the studied group. The carriers of this genotype are characterized by the average functional activity of α-actin-3. The most favorable homozygous R/R genotype, associated with the high functional activity of α-actin-3, is significantly less common (frequency of 0.1). Homozygous X/X genotype was not found in the surveyed sample. The AMPD1 gene polymorphism analysis revealed that the homozygous C/C genotype prevails with a frequency of 0,83. The genotype is favorable for the development of the speed-strength qualities of athletes. The C/T heterozygous genotype occurs with a frequency of 0,17. The T/T genotype was not identified in the studied selection. Allelic variants of the ACTN3 and AMPD1 genes were analyzed in two groups of judokas with high and low qualifications A comprehensive research data analysis showed that athletes with the ACTN3 R/R and AMPD1 C/C genotypes are able to achieve outstanding sports success and sports-life longevity. These genotypes can be used as markers for determining the development of physical qualities when choosing sports specialization. Moreover, they could be helpful in predicting performance, as well as in regulating loads during training. Individual reports were compiled, trainers and athletes were given recommendations on the correction of the training process, taking into account the genetic profiles of examined athletes.


Вострикова АВ, Боронникова СВ, Закиров РМ.pdf

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