Published January 1, 2020 | Version v1
Book chapter Open

The Mediation of the History of One's Own Country: A Particular Challenge for Science and Practice

  • 1. Pädagogische Hochschule Luzern


The question concerning the importance of history teaching at school is closely linked to the one concerning the mediation of the history of one's own country. Over the past few years discussions and debates about its meaning, content and functions have, however, increased. But the mediation of the history of one's own country is a precarious undertaking. The volume presents theoretical considerations, empirical studies and practical case examples from a comparative and international perspective. In different states and school systems it becomes clear how the history of one's own country or the nation is conveyed and against what political and social background this happens.


+ ID der Publikation: phlu_12128 + Art des Beitrages: Buchkapitel/Beitrag in Sammelband + Herausgeberschaft: Nadine Fink; Markus Furrer; Peter Gautschi + Seiten: 48 - 64 + Sprache: Englisch + Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-10-13 15:35:28



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