Analysis of the possibilities of the MOODLE learning management system for organization of distance learning in the conditions of the university
The modern world has changed dramatically with the widespread introduction of information and communication technologies. Today, an effective learning process without the use of modern technologies is unthinkable. Learning management systems are a bright representative of modern technologies, on the basis of which it is possible to organize the interaction of all participants in the learning process in the global Internet. The search for new approaches to the use of learning management systems can further enhance the effect of the use of modern information and communication technologies in the organization of the educational process.
The article gives a general description of the MOODLE training management system and the main elements of the course: questionnaire database; external tool; glossary; task; lecture; feedback; survey; SCORM package; seminar; test; forum; chat. Among the resources were identified: hyperlink; book; IMS content package; explanations; page; file. The practical use of the listed elements of the course of the MOODLE learning management system allows to fully implement distance learning and effective interaction between student and teacher.
The structure of the course includes the necessary set of structural elements (lectures, practical work, independent work, control of knowledge on the basis of tests) for the organization of distance learning in the conditions of higher educational institution.
A significant advantage of the introduction of MOODLE in the traditional educational process is that, without violating its course and principles, it greatly enriches it due to its rich information, communication and pedagogical capabilities. Distance learning with the help of MOODLE allows you to organize productive independent work of the student to master the discipline. Through the means of access to interactive learning elements and MOODLE resources, students have the opportunity to optimize the assimilation of educational material in preparation for classes, and with the help of control elements - to improve the quality of self-control
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