Published October 8, 2020 | Version v2
Software Open

Intensional Datatypes GHC Plugin with Accompanying Benchmark Datasets

  • 1. University of Bristol


A virtual machine image containing the version of the Intensional Datatypes GHC plugin and all associated benchmark data, whose versions are exactly those used to produce the empirical results contained in the paper Intensional Datatype Refinement which is conditionally accepted for publication in the journal Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (POPL'21).

To get started, log into the virtual machine using the account "aeval" with password "popl21".  The software and all relevant benchmark data and tooling is located in the artifact subdirectory of the home directory.  Follow the instructions in artifact/ to recreate the benchmarking.

The virtual machine image is a standard Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS minimal install, to which we have added ghc-8.8.3 and cabal-install-3.0 (for compiling and running the artifact) and python3-tabulate (for pretty printing the benchmark results) and visual studio code (for convenience).  The virtual machine image was created using Virtual Box 6.0.24 on a Windows 10 host.


Funded by Research Councils UK, grant ref: EP/T006595/1 and the National Centre for Cyber Security via the UK Research Institute in Verified Trustworthy Software Systems.


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Higher-order Constrained Horn Clauses: A New Approach to Verifying Higher-order Programs EP/T006595/1
UK Research and Innovation