Published October 6, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D1.5 5G-VINNI E2E Network Slice Implementation and Further Design Guidelines


Network slicing as a key feature of 5G is supported by 5G-VINNI end-to-end Facility to validate the performance of 5G services and use cases by operating trials required by Verticals. Network Slicing design and supporting systems for 5G-VINNI Facility Sites are mainly based on 3GPP specifications, but also taking into consideration work in other standardization bodies (SDOs) for vertical requirements and 5G evolutions. The previous release of this document contains Network Slicing architecture and supporting systems for 5G-VINNI Facility Sites to be able to implement 5G services with Network Slicing. This document contains the enhancements of 5G Network Slicing and slice operation learned during the implementation of 5G services with Network slicing to Verticals.


Suggested readers: ICT-19 projects; industry verticals seeking to conduct Testing on 5G systems for Network Slicing; 5G-VINNI WPs dealing with platform implementation for Network Slicing Operation


D1.5 5G-VINNI E2E Network Slice Implementation and Further Design Guidelines.pdf

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5G-VINNI – 5G Verticals INNovation Infrastructure 815279
European Commission