Published April 8, 2020 | Version 1.0
Journal article Open

Lessons from the Corona Moment of Humanity

  • 1. Dean, Patriarchal Seminary, Goa


The globe has stopped for a virus. It sounds crazy but it is real.
While we are in lockdown and practicing social distancing to
fight COVID-19, it is also a time to think and reflect.
Distanciation is special to human. We can stand out of the
stream of life and still look at it. We can mark a distance
without being distant to life.  Distanciation is our
ability to reflect.  But we cannot stay in the cave of our
distanciations. We have to return back and face the
immanence of life.  We transcend life only to return
with direction and vigour.  The corona moment of humanity that we are facing is one such important moment in human history. Let begin  this reflection with the basics.  Distanciation takes us temporarily apart from the world.
We transcend the hustle and bustle of life and look at it with critical eyes. Unfortunately, transcendental mode of thinking is
mostly linear and hierarchical and we begin to believe that we are
completely apart from the world.  The corona moment of humanity
is driving us back into the stream of life.  It is teaching us that we
are not entirely different.  We are worldly and bodily and as such
are vulnerable as any living organism.  


AUC 65.2-4 MarchAugust 2020 Ferrao Lessons from Corona.pdf

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