Published October 30, 2015 | Version 1.4
Report Open

Towards the e-Infrastructure Commons 2020: A marketplace for e-Infrastructure services - A concrete step towards e-Infrastructure services integration


The term e-Infrastructure Commons as introduced in the e-IRG documents refers to an ecosystem of interoperable and gradually integrated services easily accessible for use through a single interface for European academia, research and scientific communities. The e-Infrastructure Commons should thus become by 2020 a one-stop-shop service for European researchers, being able to select not only research e-Infrastructure services, but also industrial ones, especially such as computing and storage ones.

In order to achieve this ambitious goal, a concrete step would be to create a marketplace of e-Infrastructure services, i.e. a central marketplace where basic e-Infrastructure services from the networking, computing and data components would become available for European users through a common authentication and authorization scheme.


e-Infrastructure services marketplace-v1.4-30-10-2015.pdf

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European Commission
E-IRGSP4 – e-IRG Support Programme 4 (e-IRGSP4) 632688