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Published May 11, 2020 | Version v1
Preprint Open

Explanation to Why Gamma-Ray and Dark Matter Density Align

  • 1. The George Washington University
  • 2. Xi'an Jiaotong University


Recent studies showed that gamma-rays and dark matter density correlate. There is a suggestion that this is because a dark matter particle decays and emits gamma-rays. Based on a new theory of gravity and its equations relating gravity force and photon frequency, we offer a novel explanation for this observation. The new equations show that a higher frequency photon will produce a greater gravitational effect. This makes gamma-rays, the highest frequency EM wave, the strongest producer of dark matter’s gravitational effects. The search for specific frequencies, such as gamma-rays and x-rays, emitted from the decay of a hypothetical dark matter particle is flawed and contradicts observations. If dark matter’s gravitational effects are created by photons, not a particle with rest mass, dark matter observations are satisfied.


While dark matter can be detected through its gravitational effect, dark matter itself has not been directly observed. Because of this, there are many theories on what dark matter is. Many suggest dark matter is some unknown tiny particle with rest mass, but so far, none of these theories have been verified. A recent research paper [1] seems to build support for a tiny particle theory by finding a correlation between untriggered gamma-ray bursts and a dark matter density map. Other research tried to find dark matter decay by looking for x-rays [2, 3]. These searches for EM waves have brought more questions than answers on the nature of dark matter. This paper discussed the relationship between dark matter and photons based on the gamma-ray observations. As an extension of this discussion, this paper used the search for x-rays emitted from dark matter decay as evidence as to why dark matter is not a tiny particle that decays into a certain frequency of EM wave.

