Published September 29, 2020 | Version v1.0
Software Open

dgilford/gilford20_ligais: Publication Release: Code Supporting Gilford et al. (2020, JGR-Earth Surface)

  • 1. Rutgers University


This code supports the publication of Gilford et al. accepted in JGR-Earth Surface in September 2020: "Could the Last Interglacial Constrain Projections of Future Antarctic Ice Mass Loss and Sea-level Rise?" Included in this release are:

  • Ice-sheet model ensembles from PSU3Dice developed by Rob DeConto in Fall 2018 (also archived at
  • Code developing, training, validating, and sampling an ice-sheet model emulator mimicking these ensembles
  • Mathematical definitions of specified LIG constraints, and their use in Bayesian calibration of the emulator
  • Reproduction of each figure in the main manuscript and supplemental information
  • A versatile visualization notebook that may be used examine how improved LIG constraints would inform future projections of sea-level rise
  • Project README, LICENSE, and citations


Funding provided by: NSF Grant ICER-1663807, NASA Grant 80NSSC17K0698, NSF Grant OCE-1702587, & European Research Council, grant agreement n. 802414



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