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Published March 31, 2020 | Version v1
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K.O. Apel's Dissertation: From Existential Gnoseology to Anthropology of Knowledge

  • 1. Laura


Apel's doctoral thesis is of interest, not only for those who look for an alternative, maybe transgressive, interpretation of Heidegger's thought. It is also important to understand the genesis and development of a gnoseological conception in which scientific disciplines of very different nature have a place. The transformation of Kant's gnoseology, which is the ultimate goal of Apel's work, constitutes a process with different stages beginning in 1950, when his Dissertation comes out. Despite being a writing that belongs to a stage the philosopher has distanced himself from on several occasions, Apel recognizes its significance for his anthropological theory of knowledge, developed in the 60s. The main objective of this paper is to show the connection between his theory of knowledge defended in the Dissertation and his anthropology of knowledge. The role played in each case by different gnoseological a priori establishes the difference between both approaches, even though both perspectives have a similar aim: to articulate a conception of knowledge capable of recognizing the epistemological and methodological status of human and social sciences.



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  • Apel, Karl–Otto (1985). La transformación de la filosofía, 2 vols. Madrid: Taurus.
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