Published February 25, 2020 | Version Preprint
Journal article Open

A review on current status of capacity control techniques for two-phase ejectors

  • 1. Technical University of Denmark
  • 2. Silesian University of Technology
  • 3. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


The adoption of highly efficient vapour-compression refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump (RACHP) systems is compulsory to achieve a low-carbon society. Expansion work recovery using a two-phase ejector is widely recognized as one of the most promising measures to improve the energy efficiency of RACHP units. This holds true for all operation conditions provided that an effective capacity control technique is implemented. In this work a thorough critical review on the current status of the presently available capacity control techniques for two-phase ejectors was carried out. In addition, their pros and cons as well as the comparison of their performance were reported. It was concluded that two-phase ejectors can be properly capacity controlled in large- and medium-scale vapour-compression units. However, a suitable capacity control mechanism for small-scale vapour-compression solutions still requires a major breakthrough and is being intensively discussed among experts in the field.




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European Commission
ECO2-RAPJECT – Rapid pulse width modulated CO2 ejector for small-scale vapour-compression systems 844924