Published September 25, 2020 | Version v1
Book Open

Urban Visuality, Mobility, Information and Technology of Images

  • 1. Academy of Art in Szczecin
  • 2. University in Macerata
  • 3. Polish University Abroad in London
  • 4. Jan Evangelista Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem
  • 5. Association for Science, Education, Culture
  • 6. Pwani University
  • 7. University of Hamburg


The monograph "Urban Visuality, Mobility, Information and Technology of Images" focuses on contemporary problems of the architectural and urbanist environment from the point of view of social environmental psychology and theory. Authors of the subsequent chapter come from various countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy and Kenya) and together they present multiple evidences for the need of transcultural visual literacy in symbolic interactions in the urban sphere. 

The multidimensional presentation of urban visual and technological environment found in the book is certainly a valuable scientific publication within social and cultural sciences, inspiring the readers sensibility for the quality of visual solutions in architectural spaces for deep research in contemporary urban visual culture.


Urban Visuality, Mobility, Information and Technology of Images_DOI 10.5281:zenodo.4038130.pdf

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TICASS – Technologies of Imaging in Communication, Art, and Social Sciences 734602
European Commission