D8.3 Data Management Plan V1
This deliverable provides an initial version of the Data Management Plan in INFORE at Month 6 of the project. The deliverable will be amended on Month 18 and receive its final form in Month 36. To build the initial Data Management Plan we utilized the respective template of the European Research Council (ERC): ERC DMP1 provided by the Digital Curation Center. We also followed the guidelines for FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) data management in H20202.
Following this template, we provide a summary of the datasets that are input to or output of the project and describe our initial provisions for:
- • making data findable
- • making data openly accessible
- • making data interoperable
- • increasing data reusability
We further provide responses to questions related to allocation of resources, data security and ethical issues where and when they arise in the scope of INFORE.
D8.3 Data Management Plan V1.pdf
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