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Published September 17, 2020 | Version 01.00
Working paper Open

Conversational CoreTrustSeal


To apply for the CoreTrustSeal you need to read and respond to the CoreTrustSeal Requirements, Extended Guidance and Glossary. This working paper text is in no way endorsed by the CoreTrustSeal Board, or indeed anyone else. It’s been prepared to put together some thoughts about the CoreTrustSeal Requirements in a way that doesn’t quite fit into formal documents, project deliverables, blogs or slides. This text is not intended to disagree with any aspect of the official CoreTrustSeal texts. It presents some key concepts and provides some broad talking points around the CoreTrustSeal and Trustworthy Digital Repositories’ data services in fewer than 3000 words.  It’s being shared for public feedback because transparency and feedback are always worthwhile. 




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