Published August 3, 2020 | Version Revised
Conference paper Open

ALLSTAR: a blockchain based joint ecosystem for the decentralized cloud and edge computing environment

  • 1. National University of Defence Technology
  • 2. University of Amsterdam


Last decades, Cloud computing has made significant

impacts on traditional applications to change their development

and operation methods. We witnessed ever more newly-built

Clouds and data centers. However, the centralized management

mechanism of current Clouds lacks the dispersion to satisfy the

requirements of emerging collaborative applications, including

AI, IoT, and autopilot. On the other hand, the Edge computing

stays at the conceptual and experimental stage. Most organizations

construct their own Edge nodes to operate applications. An

efficient and incentive mechanism is missing to motivate the Edge

and micro Cloud resource providers to join and constitute a more

generalized and decentralized ecosystem. To address this issue, we

propose ALLSTAR, a blockchain based architecture for equally

combining all the Cloud and Edge resources to be seamlessly

leveraged by the application in the DevOps (development and

operations) lifecycle. The ALLSTAR architecture is a systematic

solution to realize the JointCloud management and contributes

to construct the corresponding ALLSTAR ecosystem. This paper

describes the overall architecture of ALLSTAR, the related key

techniques, and detailed application DevOps processes as well as

the new business model.


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European Commission
ARTICONF – smART socIal media eCOsytstem in a blockchaiN Federated environment 825134
European Commission
ENVRI-FAIR – ENVironmental Research Infrastructures building Fair services Accessible for society, Innovation and Research 824068