Published November 5, 2020
| Version 1.0
IPBES Data Management Tutorials - Session 3.4: Data management report details: File formats
Project leader:
Project members:
- 1. Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation,
- 2. Naturalis Biodiversity Center
- 3. European Commission
- 4. University of Zurich
- 5. Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Center
- 6. IPBES
- 7. IPBES Task Force on Capacity Building
The IPBES data management tutorials are short videos to help experts implement the IPBES data management Policy. They cover topics ranging from data management policy, reports, active research data, tools, and examples.
The IPBES data management reports chapter provides an overview and discussion of specific elements of IPBES data management reports.
This session, Data management report details: File formats, focuses on specific recommended file formats for text, tabular data, images, sound, and geospatial data.
Additional details
Related works
- Is part of
- 10.5281/zenodo.4014792 (DOI)
- IPBES (2020): IPBES Data Management Policy ver. 1.0. Task Force on Knowledge and Data, Krug, R.M., Omare, B., and Niamir, A. (eds.) IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3551079