Published September 7, 2020 | Version 1
Software Open

VMCAI 2021 Virtual Machine

  • 1. University of Copenhagen


This package contains the virtual machine used for the VMCAI 2021 artifact evaluation.

The VMCAI 2021 virtual machine was created with VirtualBox 6.1.12 and consists of an installation of Ubuntu 20.04 with Linux 5.4.0-45 and the following notable packages:

  • OCaml 4.08
  • OpenJDK 1.8.0_265
  • Mono 6.8.0
  • Ruby 2.7
  • Python 2.7 and 3.8
  • bash 5.0.17
  • cmake 3.16.3
  • clang 10.0.0
  • gcc 9.3.0
  • Racket 7.2
  • Vim 8.1
  • Emacs 26.3
  • Coq 8.11 with CoqIDE
  • TeXlive 2019
  • benchexec 2.7
  • 32bit libc
  • VirtualBox guest additions

The VM has a user vmcai2021 with password vmcai2021, with sudo access. The system is running an SSH server, and the VirtualBox image has been set up to forward port 2021 on the host to port 22 on the virtual machine. You should therefore be able to log in (and copy files) via localhost port 2021 on your host system, which may be more convenient than using the GUI.

In order to save space, the VM does not have an active swap file. Please mention in your submission if you expect that a swap file is needed. You can activate swap for the running session using the following commands.

sudo fallocate -l 1G /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile

The artifact evaluation committee will be instructed not to download software or data from external sources. Any additional software required by your artifact must be included in the .zip file and the artifact must provide instructions for the installation. To include an Ubuntu package in your artifact submission, you can create a .deb file with all the necessary dependencies from inside the VM. Reviewers can then install them by using sudo dpkg -i <foo>.deb. You can create the necessary .deb files for example as follows.

  • If you have only one package without dependencies, you can use apt-get download <packagename>.

  • If you have only one package without dependencies but with local modifications, e.g., particular configuration files, you can use the dpkg-repack utility.

  • If you have a package with multiple dependencies, you can use wget together with apt to download them all and put them into a folder:

    wget $(apt-get install --reinstall --print-uris -qq <packagename> | cut -d"'" -f2)


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