Published October 1, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Macrophages and dendritic cells density correlates with depth of invasion in the prostate carcinoma

  • 1. Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova


Background: Immune cells interact not only with tumor cells but also with stromal cells facilitating the progression of neoplasia. The ongoing battle between immune cells and the tumor is an important factor influencing the clinical course and outcome of treatment in various types of cancer. The aim of the study was to identify the prognostic value of dendritic cells and macrophages in prostate carcinoma.

Material and methods: This retrospective study analyzed 73 samples of prostate cancer. The macrophages and dendritic cells have been evaluated using the immunohistochemical methods with CD68 (macrophages) and S100 (dendritic cells). Macrophages were quantified as intratumoral and peritumoral, and dendritic cells – intraepithelial and stromal. The results were analyzed statistically.

Results: For evaluation of the prognostic impact of immune cells was accomplished a correlation between the total number of CD68+/S100+ cells and the Gleason score. Thus, statistically significant correlations were obtained both for CD68+ cells (intratumoral p=0.008, peritumoral p=0.001), and for S100+ cells (intraepithelial p=0.036, stromal p=0.042). In addition, a statistically significant positive linear correlation was observed between the density of intraepithelial S100+ cells and intratumoral CD68+ cells (p=0.018).

Conclusions: The increase in the density of S100+ and CD68+ cells, as well as the significant association of their density with the histological degree of the tumor allow us to consider these cells as predictive biomarkers in prostate carcinomas.



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