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Published September 6, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Do Not Let Us Fall into Temptation: A New Understanding of the Lord's Prayer

  • 1. Bandel Church, Hooghly, Kolkata


Does God lead us to temptation? The basic question that the author in this article poses is:  Does God ‘leads’ humans into temptation or human themselves surrender to the evil existing in the world. The author refers to the new understanding of the popular Christian prayer Our Father and shows that the words learned by millions of English and Italian-speaking believers are due to be changed after a 16-year-long research carried out by experts from a theological, pastoral and linguistic viewpoint. He points out that Pope Francis offers words of encouragement and inspiration for all who are seeking hope and direction in our often-tumultuous world. As children of God, we learn that God is our Father who cares about us, our needs and desires to draw us ever closer to himself.


Article in AUC: Asian Journal of Religious Studies Sept-Oct 2020 65/5


auc Sept Oct 2020 Mullick Lord's Prayer Temptations.pdf

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