Published January 7, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Implementation Project Plans (D3.1)

  • 1. Stadt Andernach
  • 2. Kommune Oslo
  • 3. Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen Berlin


Andernach, Oslo and Berlin are participating as Front Runner City (FRC) in the EU Innovation Action Edible Cities Network (EdiCitNet). They are each testing Edible Cities Solutions (ECS) in socalled Living Labs (LL). The present Implementation Project Plan (IPP) is a detailed yet adaptive plan to describe the framework and goals of the LL and the intended implementation of the ECS. The IPP was developed in a co-creation process with support of an expert and monitoring board of local stakeholders - the so-called city team.

The IPP thus reflects the views, plans, needs and challenges of the respective FRC. The IPP is based on the version submitted in November 2019, led by then WP3 (Work Package) lead Rotterdam.

In particular, this revised document contains:

● information about the background, strategic considerations and an introduction of the FRCs with their respective LL sites;

● desired futures and visions of the LL at the end of the project;

● description of the ECS and their implementation;

● a strategy for the monitoring;

● and a risk management plan. The revised IPP represents the current state of thinking and planning. The progress of the respective LL differs in each FRC. The IPP will be updated and continued as required.



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European Commission
EdiCitNet – Edible Cities Network Integrating Edible City Solutions for social resilient and sustainably productive cities 776665