- 1. Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Experimental data of strength, deformability, and crack resistance of 2,000×200×100 mm reinforced concrete and basalt-concrete beams are given. Longitudinal reinforcement consisted of 2 Ø14 A500C for reinforced concrete beams and 2 Ø14 BFRP (AKB800) for basalt-concrete beams. Transverse reinforcement consisted of 2 Ø3,4,5 ВрI for reinforced concrete beams and 2 Ø4,6,8 BFRP (АКБ800) for basalt-concrete beams. Beams were made of heavy concrete of C16/20, C30/35, and C40/50 classes. The experimental beam specimens were tested according to a four-point scheme as loosely supported beams loaded with two concentrated forces. Loading in the series of tests was stepwise increasing, static and low-cycle repeated at high levels of 0.50, 0.65, and 0.80Fult. Distance from supports to concentrated forces (shear span), a/h0, varied within 1, 2, 3. Experimental beam specimens were made and tested according to the theory of experimental design according to the Box B4, optimal plan D. Comparative analysis of main performance parameters of reinforced concrete and basalt-concrete beams under the action of abovementioned loads was performed.
The necessity of these studies was determined by the unsatisfactory convergence of experimental and calculated values of bearing capacity of oblique sections of basalt-concrete beams determined according to existing standard methods.
The studies have established the influence of design factors and loading nature on basic parameters of the working capacity of basalt-concrete beam elements in a form of experimental-statistical dependences.
These results will form a basis for a physical model of resistance of oblique sections in such structures to external loads. The presented results will significantly supplement the existing database of the operation of beam basalt-concrete structures and will be used in the development of an analytical method for calculating strength, deformability, and crack resistance
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