Published August 21, 2020 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Multilingual Structured Climate Research Data in Wikidata - The Community Perspective

  • 1. University of Zurich
  • 2. School of Data Science, University of Virginia, USA


This repo hosts a presentation "Multilingual Structured Climate Research Data in Wikidata - The Community Perspective", which is a contribution to the Workshop "Data Science in Climate and Climate Impact Research" taking place on 20-21 August 2020 in Zurich and online.

It is the first part of two complementary presentations - the second part is available via under the title "Multilingual Structured Climate Research Data in Wikidata - The Data Perspective".

The presentation is provided here in the form of slides in three file formats. The slides have been prepared and presented using Google slides, from which they were exported as .pptx, .odp and .pdf, which explains some slight differences in formatting.


Sarasua and Mietchen - Multilingual Structured Climate Research Data in Wikidata, The Community Perspective.pdf

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