Published November 11, 2017 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Эмпирическое исследование субъективных представлений об искусственном билингвизме / The empirical study of the subjective perceptions of artificial bilingualism.

  • 1. Gosudarstvennyj akademiceskij universitet gumanitarnyh nauk


The article discusses the issue of empirical verification of psychological components of artificial bilingualism. The following methods were used: free interview, focus group, repertory grid method. The obtained results made possible to reveal such factors connected with the process of formation of artificial bilingualism, as the reasons for studying the second language; qualities of people who speak a foreign language, etc. Features of interpersonal perception of people who speak a foreign language are analyzed.


эмпирическое исследование субъективных представлений об иб.pdf